I’m Still Here

Oh my goodness! I have been so crazy busy it’s not even funny. First, we moved. Then, three days later, I went to Africa (which was AMAZING!). Then I came home and unpacked. Then I painted until my arms fell off. Literally. Right onto the ground. Don’t even ask how I’m typing this right now  . . .

Fortunately, I have been taking pictures. I’m just sorry it’s taken me so long to post them.

Halloween is Coming!

Understandably, October is a great month to be a face painter. I get to really stretch myself this time of year. Here are some Halloween themed faces to inspire you. During the month of October I have a special individual face rate of $25 for 30 minutes for those who come to me to be painted. I can travel to you for an additional fee. Halloween day is filling fast, so contact me soon if you want to save a spot.















Busy Little Bee

Did you know that Melissa means honeybee? Well it does, and that’s what I’ve felt like lately–a busy little bee. First, I was working on developing my new custom glitter tattoos. (More coming on those soon, as well as a fun glitter tattoo party giveaway!)

Then, I had about a million jobs all in a row, and no time to post about them. For many of them, I didn’t even get photos. That’s how slammed I’ve been, people. I don’t even have time to charge my camera battery.

Fortunately, the lovely Denise Cold of Painted Party had a camera with her at a recent job and let me snap some photos. These are from a large corporate event in Park City, Utah. It was a lovely breezy mountain day, and I had a blast painting so many fun people (including a spunky grandmother and her granddaughters).

In addition to some other jobs last week, I also worked the Davis County Fair. You can find some great photos of the fair from Michael Bateman Photography on his website. My pathetic iPod photos can’t compare, but I’ll post them anyway for all you rabid fans. 🙂 I did a lot of henna as well, which was a nice change of pace.




Skulls and Monsters

These pictures are quite overdue since they are from last month. I’ve been crazy busy lately, is its taken me this long to get them posted. Unfortunately, they aren’t the best since I had to use my phone.

This was another boy birthday, so it was heavy on the skulls, zombies and monsters. By the end, the adults started to join in. I had a great time painting them. The young couple were getting ready to go to a dance and wanted matching eyes designs that were 80’s inspired.









Memorable Memorial Day

Isn’t Memorial Day just the bees knees? It’s such a nice little taste of summer. Even though the kids have to go back to school the next day and a pile of work is waiting on the other side of sleep, it doesn’t seem to matter because summer is officially here.

My family always has a huge BBQ on Memorial Day, complete with groaning tables of salads and scalloped potatoes and screaming kids and elderly people swapping stories and parents being lax and letting everyone have seconds of dessert. This year, I brought my face painting kit along for the ride.

I want to mention that the weird green old man face is supposed to be Yoda. I’ve obviously never painted him before, so I was kind of winging it. For those who wonder why I’m painting a licensed character when I’ve been so against it in the past, please note that this was not a paying job, so I wasn’t violating copyright.

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Brother Sister Birthday and First Birthday Family Fun

Last weekend I had the chance to paint for a lovely pair of siblings that shared one fabulous birthday party. The theme was carnival, and the mom went all out with amazing homemade decorations and lots of fun games and activities. The kids had a great time, and I had a lot of fun painting for them. They were all so excited and enthusiastic; it made my job easy.

Sorry for the poor quality of these photos. I forgot my camera and had to make do with my phone.

skull face paint and zebra face paint

The birthday boy and girl.

princess castle face paint

This was my first request for a princess castle. I think it turned out okay considering it was my first time.

bat mask face paint

zebra face paint

Isn't she a beautiful zebra?

skull face paint

super hero face paint

This is my generic Spider Man and Batman. What do you think? Since I don't offer commercial characters, this is my compromise.

This weekend, I was lucky enough to book a HUGE party for an awesome family in honor of a little boy’s first birthday. This is one lucky kid! His family came out in droves to celebrate with him. There was a bouncy house, DJ, carnival games, and of course, face painting! The best part was that people kept bringing my and my hubby (who was working as my balloon twister) huge plates of delicious food. Then they sent us home with even more–I paid my babysitter in food. The potato salad was the best I’ve ever had–no lie.

Once again, I forgot my camera, so the family was kind enough to email me this picture. There were a lot more faces painted, but here is a sampling.lion face paint, face painting for adults, face painting for teens, scary clown face paint

Spooka Palooza

I spent the weekend face painting at the Utah Kids Club Spooka Palooza at the South Towne Expo center. I worked with the very talented and gracious Denise Cold of Painted Party, based in Utah County.

We had a great time painting all the cute kids in their Halloween costumes. Thanks to everyone who came out to make it a fun event.

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