Easter and St. Patrick’s Day Face Painting


Since we have two fun holidays coming up, I thought I’d work on some Easter and St. Patrick’s designs today. First, some Easter stuff.




I have to credit for this bunny design to Daizy Design. I’ve mentioned her before. She is amazing! Be sure to check her out.


So, that was supposed to be an Easter egg in the middle of her forehead, but I didn’t get the shape right. Oh well.


Here is a fun little shamrock tribal. I used glitter, but you could go without for a boy or a man.


I also wanted to do a Celtic knot mask, and since I was in the mood, I did a step by step. First, the finished product:


Step 1: use a green one stroke cake to make a petal in the middle of the forehead and some frills around the eyes.


Step 2: use a gold split cake (this is old gold and copper by tag) to add another layer of petals and some more color on the corners of the eyes.


Step 3: come back in with your green to add the final tier of petals.


Step 4: Add a Celtic knot as a centerpiece. You can be as simple or elaborate as you want. Since I am painting on myself, I kept it really simple. Paint the knot with dark green or, if you want to skip the next step, black. At this stage, I also added a few dark green teardrops to add depth to the finished design.


Step 5: Add outlines, shadows and highlights to the knot to make it stand out. This is what will really make it pop.


Step 6: Add teardrops, swirls, dots and other embellishments in black to create the desired shape and look. For a guy, use tribals. Add some white at the end to create a polished look.


I’d love to see your takes on this design. Let me know if there a any other step by steps you want to see on the blog.

Tribals Workshop with Jay and Pashur

I had the most amazing time attending a workshop this week taught by Jay Bautista and Pashur. It was focused on tribals, and I can’t recommend it enough. Pashur is retiring from teaching this year, so if you get a chance to go to one of his workshops, don’t pass it up!

20130222-003357.jpg Tribal painted by me.

20130222-003513.jpg This is my friend’s son. He was nice enough to come model for us and put up with relentless teasing.

20130222-003749.jpg Tribals by Pashur.

20130222-003851.jpg Heart with tribal accents by me.

20130222-003939.jpg Cupcake with tribals by Laura Pennock.

20130222-004155.jpg Rose with tribal accents by Denise Cold.

20130222-004254.jpg Two color interwoven tribals by Jay.

20130222-004351.jpg Collaborative piece by Jay and Pashur.

Busy Little Bee

Did you know that Melissa means honeybee? Well it does, and that’s what I’ve felt like lately–a busy little bee. First, I was working on developing my new custom glitter tattoos. (More coming on those soon, as well as a fun glitter tattoo party giveaway!)

Then, I had about a million jobs all in a row, and no time to post about them. For many of them, I didn’t even get photos. That’s how slammed I’ve been, people. I don’t even have time to charge my camera battery.

Fortunately, the lovely Denise Cold of Painted Party had a camera with her at a recent job and let me snap some photos. These are from a large corporate event in Park City, Utah. It was a lovely breezy mountain day, and I had a blast painting so many fun people (including a spunky grandmother and her granddaughters).

In addition to some other jobs last week, I also worked the Davis County Fair. You can find some great photos of the fair from Michael Bateman Photography on his website. My pathetic iPod photos can’t compare, but I’ll post them anyway for all you rabid fans. 🙂 I did a lot of henna as well, which was a nice change of pace.




Maternity Painting

On a whim last week, I ended up painting my sister-in-laws belly. It was so fun, and I loved being able to take plenty of time to work out all the details. I’m happy with how it turned out, but I wish we had a better camera/lighting for the photos. Cherry tree maternity paintingMaternity Belly Painting

Halloween Face Painting 2011

Wow! I think this is quite possibly the craziest Halloween I’ve had yet. I started painting on Thursday and have pretty much been going non-stop until about 6 PM tonight. I had a lot of appointments today, and it was really fun being able to give each customer some individual attention. I’ve put together a little slide show of my Halloween faces. I’ll be posting more images soon from the Syracuse City Pumpkin Walk.

I hope everyone had a happy (and safe) Halloween. Remember that I am always available for private birthday parties and other events.

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Graffiti Arm Design

So, I haven’t been tagging since high school, and I needed a little practice. I came up with this:

What do you all think? Would a simpler version with a name or word (“peace,” “love,” etc.) be cool? I could do a more masculine color scheme for boys/teens.