Busy Little Bee

Did you know that Melissa means honeybee? Well it does, and that’s what I’ve felt like lately–a busy little bee. First, I was working on developing my new custom glitter tattoos. (More coming on those soon, as well as a fun glitter tattoo party giveaway!)

Then, I had about a million jobs all in a row, and no time to post about them. For many of them, I didn’t even get photos. That’s how slammed I’ve been, people. I don’t even have time to charge my camera battery.

Fortunately, the lovely Denise Cold of Painted Party had a camera with her at a recent job and let me snap some photos. These are from a large corporate event in Park City, Utah. It was a lovely breezy mountain day, and I had a blast painting so many fun people (including a spunky grandmother and her granddaughters).

In addition to some other jobs last week, I also worked the Davis County Fair. You can find some great photos of the fair from Michael Bateman Photography on his website. My pathetic iPod photos can’t compare, but I’ll post them anyway for all you rabid fans. 🙂 I did a lot of henna as well, which was a nice change of pace.




New Henna Pics and Random Stuff

I had a blast doing my first maternity henna. I’m really happy with how it turned out. If you’re interested in henna, be sure to give me a call. Henna is great for bridal/baby showers, girls night out or teen birthdays.henna hand design with flowershenna flowerssmall henna designmaternity henna

I’ve also been working on some more detailed face painting stuff intended for use as body art (arms, legs, back, shoulders, etc.). I’ve been having a lot of fun, and I hope to paint some on others (maternity painting anyone?).

kitsune face paint, tribal fox face paint

My Little Pony Face Paint

This was for my daughter. I wouldn’t be able to paint it for a party, but I could do it using a generic pony.fairy face paintmermaid face paint