Floating Lanterns and Fabulous Faces

So last weekend I had the opportunity to paint at another HUGE birthday party. This time, the birthday girl was turning six, and she was surrounded by a lot of love. The party was Tangled themed, but the face painting was a free for all. Tigers were popular, with zebras and puppies close behind. There were also a lot of fun boy faces.

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Once again, hubby came along to do balloons. He’s mastered swords, shields, puppies and flowers–he even invented a balloon “gun” which was popular with the boys. One of the coolest moments of the evening was when the guests released lanterns–just like in the movie.

Children’s Museum Outing

My kids have been begging me to take them to the children’s museum for months, so I finally broke down this weekend and undertook the great trek (with their favorite aunt and grandpa in tow). Before we left, they asked me to paint their faces. This is what we came up with.

heart crown face paint

A pretty standard, boring crown (but doesn’t she wear it well?), and . . .rocket ship face paint

an awesome rocket ship with a rainbow contrail. I have to say, I’m very fond of this one and plan on adding it to my board. It’s perfect for my little boy, and I know there are others out there that will dig it. This is a good solution to the boy-wants-rainbow-dad-doesn’t-want-boy-to-have-rainbow dilemma, or as we face painters call it, the BWRDDWBTHR. True fact.

While I was painting my boy, he asked if he could have some of my cards so he could give them out if people asked about his face. It wasn’t a bad idea, so I was down with it. He said, “The more cards you give out, the more money you’ll get, so I’m going to give them to everyone!” In the end, I think he gave them to his grandpa and his aunt. 🙂

When a nice woman commented on his face and asked who painted it, he proudly said, “My mom did it.” Then he turned around and yelled, “Mom! Someone asked!” Of course, I wasn’t in the room at the time, and he didn’t give her a card. That’s my little marketing genius. He does make that rainbow look good though.rainbow rocket face paint